A place for natural hazard science researchers across NSW to connect and access datasets is now online.
Hosted via DCCEEW Science and Insight Division’s SEED platform (‘central resource for Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data’), the Natural Hazards Science Hub presents science and monitoring focused on the hazard impacts and post-event environmental recovery.
The intent is to build an understanding, fill knowledge gaps, collaborate with community and traditional custodians, and inform policy and management decisions.
The Natural Hazards Science Hub will aggregate data uploaded to SEED, including results produced by the BNHRC and its predecessor, the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Hub, when appropriate.
As well as quick access to Fire Extent and Severity (FESM) data, users can also take part in a new community of practice.
The forum’s discussion threads will help users:
Discover how to use data to address environmental issues and protect natural habitats.
Share knowledge and ideas and insights.
Collaborate on projects that have a real impact on the environment.