LEGACY RESEARCH (NSW Bushfire Risk Management Hub)
The BNHRC's predecessor - the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub - was established in 2018. Its overall aim was to develop the new knowledge needed to underpin cost-effective strategies that would improve fire management and reduce the risks bushfire poses to people, property, and the environment. It also sought to guide effective communication and dissemination of knowledge to the people and agencies who need it to inform policy and management decisions. The Hub closed in 2021, following extensive contributions to the 2020 NSW Bushfire Inquiry.
The Hub was a State-focused collaboration between the NSW Government (through DCCEEW), research institutions, fire management agencies, bushfire experts and Indigenous knowledge holders. It was hosted by the University of Wollongong (UOW), and other principal research partners included the University of Tasmania (UTAS), University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Western Sydney University (WSU). Read more about the Hub Work Packages below.